There are quite a few online random dungeon map generators out there. Some even have content generation as well. Let's take a look at some of the better dungeon generators that you can find on the internet.
An Interesting concept in map-making can be found at the Risus Monkey. This map-making tool uses 116 different morph types to generate a seamless connection of hand-drawn tiles. You can specify the width of your dungeon, and also how many tiles you want your dungeon to have. There's no content generator, but if you need a random dungeon that has that illustrated feel to it, this might be the tool for you.
Another random dungeon generator that appears to use tiles is Retro Crawl. With more of a polished look than Risus Monkey, this tool combines the hand-drawn look for caverns with the straight edges of normal dungeon corridors. This one numbers the rooms for you, and provides brief content descriptions of each numbered area. There are 7 different fields to help you customize your dungeon, too.
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